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 TED and TEDx

TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) is a nonprofit organization that began as a four-day conference in California in 1984. The conference was created to bring together leaders from the fields of technology, entertainment, and design to share their ideas and inspire others.


The conference was a huge success, with attendees praising the variety and quality of the speakers and the stimulating conversations that resulted from the talks. Recognizing the potential of this format, the organizers decided to make the talks available to a wider audience by posting them online on




In 2006, TED introduced TEDx, a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share TED-like experiences. These events are independently organized and branded TEDx, with "x" representing an independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.


Overall, TED and TEDx have become a powerful platform for spreading ideas and fostering a global community of people who are passionate about learning and change.


Our Story

TEDxVIIT is a local chapter of TED, a global organization dedicated to spreading ideas through powerful talks. Our chapter was licensed in 2019, and since then, we have been working to bring TED's mission to our community. We have been fortunate to host a number of notable speakers, including Taniya Khanijow, Shreya Chaudhary, Mukesh Chhabra, and Gautami Deshpande. Each of these individuals has brought their unique perspective and expertise to the stage, sharing their ideas and insights with our audience. Through their talks, we have been able to spark meaningful conversations and inspire change in our community. We are constantly looking for new and diverse voices to amplify, and we are excited about the future of TEDxVIIT.

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